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Auf dieser Seite stellen wir Ihnen die Bedienungsanleitung und die aktuelle Firmware-Version für Ihre unica pro zur Verfügung

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Bedienungsanleitung der besten Espressomaschine

Bedienungsanleitung unica pro


Firmware Release Notes


General Feature Update (01.02.2023)

Features and fixes
● Log file including serial number
● Blooming shot timeout min value changed from 1.0 to 0.0 bar
● Pressure ramp unit [bar/s] implemented and now shown on UI
● Steamboiler enable with tap for all energy (exempt eco) modes possible
● Two steam timer for upper and lower lever possible with updated UI
● Steam levers only switches if steam boiler temperature is over 100°C
● Portafilter detection updated
● Updated cleaning instructions
● Bugfix of history file export

Known issues in work
● Possible wrong temperature error for steam boiler


First field update release (17.12.2022)

Features and fixes
● Fix of steam boiler fill behavior
● Activated gesture control for all scroll menus
● Implementation of ramp control for pressure profiling
● Copy user parameters into default parameters at recipe export
● Check recipe compatibility while import and open
● Update temperature error handling

Known issues in work
● Portafilter detection sometimes hangs up
● Export of log files sometimes crash
● Possible wrong temperature error for steam boiler


Official hotfix release (03.09.2022)

Features and fixes
● Fix of the Recipe naming bug: every fifth recipe had the wrong name in the main screen (“Hot Water” instead of the defined one).

Known issues
● Portafilter detection sometimes hangs up
● Steam boiler shows strange behavior if water tank is empty


First official release (21.08.2022)